share file

0 file(s) selected
Uploading, please wait...

Drag and drop file here and click "ShareMe"

You can upload one file at a time

The maximum file size, per file, is 20MB

or, use

Your browser does not indicate support for drag and drop

Please select files to upload and click "ShareMe"

Standard file selection

The resulting share link will expire after this many days. Please see below for how this is handled.
The password is used to make sure that only the person with the password can read your shared file. You may enter a password on your own with a minimum of 12 characters, or you can use the one automatically generated for you.

Sharing files securely is easy with You simply upload the file you want to share by dragging it from your device to the dropzone field above and enter a password with a minimum length of 12 characters. You can let the service generate a "random" password for you as well. When you are satisfied, click on the shareMe button. You will be presented with a link and the entered password. Send this to the intended recipient in a manner you feel secure with.

When the recipient clicks on the link or enters the link in a web browser, will present some informative text and ask the user for the password you specified when creating the share link. Once the shared file has been downloaded, it is permanently erased from our service and the link can no longer be used.

Tip: If you want to cancel a shared file, simply use the link yourself.

For non-registered free usage, the shared file links will live for seven (7) days, after which they are removed together with the shared file. For registered free usage, the shared file links will live for 14 days, after which they are removed together with the shared file. For paid usage, the shared file links and the corresponding file will live for a maximum of 30 days or less, if you specify a shorter lifetime.